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Chris Johns

Front-End Software Engineer

HomeAssistant: More Homework

November 22, 2022

Before the pandemic started, I dove in the deep end into home automation. I had a few smart devices, but I wanted to make them work together. Like many, HomeAssistant was a logical choice for someone who was able to maintain a server and was okay with tinkering with the software.

HomeAssistant though, was more tinkering than you could imagine. Constant updates, breaking changes after every update, inconsistency everywhere, unreliable, and terrible user-experience. It was a constant battle of maintenance. Sure, you could automate your heart away, but you’d be spending more time maintaining the system than actually enjoying the fruits of your labor.

I’ve since moved on to Apple HomeKit and haven’t looked back. I’m still traumatized by the experience and shutter at the idea of going back to HomeAssistant.